Saturday, 6 February 2010

"We've Got Guns. We Will Find You ..."

Supernatural season five is turning out to be pretty freakin' awesome.

     If you don't wanna know what I think of the season so far (and I'm about nine episodes in) turn away now. Because the territory beyond this fine words is spoiler filled. And I wouldn't want to spoil season five for you lovely British fans. Because that's just plain mean. And season five is gonna be amazing, so I'll let you get along and enjoy the experience first hand, from February. Hang on in their guys, it is worth the wait, you hear me. IT. IS. WORTH. THE. WAIT.

     Spoilers FROM HERE ON IN!

     Okay, it's just you and me Americans! You and me. And we're gonna have ourselves as Winchester fueled conversation. Granted, this conversation will be one sided, but you're welcome to respond to me. Okay, this is just getting freaky, with me talking to myself. I'm gonna stop now. Okay, here we go ...

     Well, I don't know about you, but I thought the first coupla episodes were a bit dodgy. Okay, that doesn't doing my feelings justice, nor the good episodes justice. The opening episode (5.01/Sympathy for the Devil) was freakin' awesome, after a slow start, and really threw us, the viewers, back into the action with hurt!Bobby, angsty!Winchesters, and action!Castiel. What more could we ask for ... eh, nothing!

     But then we came crashing back to reality with episode 5.02/Good God Y'all. What. The. Hell? It's like the writers' were looking for an excuse to introduce the Four Horsemen and kick Sam out of the duo that is Sam and Dean Winchester. Because really, to me, that episode was a mess. What was going on? Castiel turns up, nicks Dean's amulet (I was so not happy when that happened. I love that necklace and what it represents. Then again, it was symbolic in the sense that Sam and Dean are broken, and one of their major connections, i.e. the necklace, is taken away too. Oh, sorry, major digression) can't heal poor Bobby, then runs off, leaving Sam, Dean and a pissed Bobby.

     Next, we're off to a town where there are demons, and a lot of them. Then a phone call, then Sam and Dean are on their way. Yes, we finally cry, a proper hunt. Back to the basics, 'cos as much as 5.01 was awesome, there was nothing ordinary or basic 'bout it. But, as we soon find, there is nothing basic about this hunt. Ellen and Jo turn up (I like Jo as a sister or friend to the Winchesters. We need more kickass female hunters like her) and then we find the truth. People try to kill each other, a Horsemen escapes, Sam and Dean break-up with each other. You already know my feelings about that.

     5.03/Free to Be Me and You and 5.04/The End were good and funny and watchable, but not as amazing as they would have been, if Sam and Dean weren't broken. I'll admit it, it was weird watching two episodes without Sam and Dean side-by-side, saving each other. But Castiel and Dean were classic. I love Castiel and seeing him flip his FBI badge the wrong way round cracked me up. Oh, and seeing him on his last night, admitting he is a virgin, in a strip club, being slapped ... okay, that angel just cracks me up.

     Best acting though, for both those episodes, was the portrayal of Lucifer. I am really beginning to like him as an advisory, and when he spoke to Sam, it give me chills. I loved how calm and sympathetic and at ease he seemed, talking to Sam with a strong certainty. And when Jared played the part of him, Oh. My. Good. Golly. Gosh. Chills became thrills and gut clenching. Honestly, he was amazing. Curious and childlike and sympathetic, he retained the qualities from before, but gave them a different edge that fitted and worked. Did I ever tell you Jared is an amazing actor? I loved his portrayal of Meg too. He just got her.

     5.05/Fallen Idols was great, just because Sam and Dean were back, but not fixed. I'm glad to see there is no quick way to fix them, even though it pains me. I wanna see them back to their loving, brotherly selves, but I need to know that they truly have each others' backs this time. It was funny too, but at times sweet and saddening. Like when Sam told Dean he had been running away from him. The moment at the end was cute.

     You know problems are brewing when Supernatural chains five funny, lighthearted episodes together. That, or they were making up for the heavy, Winchester angsty beginning. Anyway, 5.06/I Believe the Children Are Our Future5.07/The Curious Case of Dean Winchester5.08/Changing Channels and 5.09/The Real Ghostbusters were all incredibly funny and well played, although I could have done without the mental image of Dean masturbating in 5.06. Not pretty.

     I wasn't sure how 5.07 would work, without the ongoing presence of Jensen, but to be honest, the old guy (sorry, don't know the actor's name) captured Dean pretty well. I could imagine Jensen saying the old guy's lines in the same manner, in his own voice, at the same time as the old guy. I know, insane. But I could really picture Jensen saying the lines and picture him acting, so yeah, the old dude did good.

     I just watched 5.10/Abandon All Hope... yesterday and I am now almost all caught up to the American showings. Just have 5.11/Sam, Interrupted to go and then I can keep pace with you guys. I won't go into much detail about 5.10, except to say all those lighthearted ones were needed for this catastrophe. But it wasn't the Dean/Jo moment that shocked/upset me. It was the Ellen/Jo moment that did. It was so sad and I cried. Especially when Jo rested her head on her mom's shoulder. As for the Dean/Jo moment, well, we could tell it was guilt that motivated Dean, not love. It was more like he was grieving a sister, than a lover or missed opportunity. Especially with the previous meeting that those two had, the night before.

     All in all, I think season five is shaping up to be awesome and I will be so sad when it's over, although I am thrilled and happy to have been given the gift of the boys forever.

     So here's to Sam and Dean, Jared and Jensen.

     Sexiness wrapped into forgiving bundles!


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