I just found out that I passed my first year at university with flying colours, rainbows and unicorns. Okay, the even itself wasn't that fantastical, but I've never passed an opportunity to big myself up before, and I'm not going to start now. It's a bad habit that's bad to break, and everyone knows egotisticalism is in!
I'm so cool, I just made up a new word and trend. Keep with me, keep with me.
Anyway, the actual finding out was probably one of the biggest health risks I've taken all year. No, scratch that, one of the biggest health risks I've taken in my life. The stress was phenomenal.
I wasn't bothered before hand. There wasn't any build up, no weeks of worrying, nothing. I've been quite content living in a world of Pokemon, actually. And I was happy to stay in that world too. My Arcanine needs me, and I need her. But that's beside the point.
The point here is that I didn't worry until the exact moment I clicked "ONLINE RESULTS" and then my heart seemed to burst in a speedy dosage of adrenaline, and it felt squishy like it had burst. I was trembling, and my skin was getting itchier and itchier as the load bar at the top of the screen began to fill. I was breathing heavily, considering growing a beard and joining a band of travelers, and my brain felt like it was going to explode.
And then I found out I had passed, but the stress didn't go away, straight away.
I sat in front of my computer screen, stunned, searching the list of results for some sign that this was a prank. I was convinced it was, because how could I have passed that damn exam. But I had, and life was slowing returning to normal.
Never before have I reacted like that, and never again will I put myself through it.
I WILL work harder. I WILL!